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Looking for the most popular products on the market? Check out our Best Sellers collection! From trendy fashion items to must-have gifts, we've got you covered. Shop now and see what everyone is raving about!

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Who we are and what we support...


I started out making shirts by request for family and friends after my husband bought me a cutting for my birthday. After our son left for the service to keep my mind distracted, I started making R.E.D. (Remember Everyone Deployed) shirts for other military moms, then a few shirts later and my dining room was consumed with shirts, vinyl, and my cutting machine as fast as it could over and over again. Fast forward years later and our son is still serving our country and I'm still working away. I have grown a bit since then and have expanded into many different products with many more printing and cutting machines. The majority of my products are tumblers and apparel, though I make many custom items for customers by request. All year long 10% of each purchase goes towards making care packages to send to our US military troops  stationed over seas each holiday season. As for my name, well all I can say is, it is my favorite place to be come sunset, when the loons start to sing.

Thank you for supporting my business and our troops.    


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